My Wellness App

Get the most out of your workout with the Wellness App.

With the Wellness App, you can:

  • Track and log your current workout.
  • Review proper form for using equipment for or performing an exercise.
  • Plan your workout and follow an easy checklist, or have one created for you by a personal trainer or Exercise Specialist.
  • Easily access Wellness Online Services to book a reserve a spot in class.

Top Medical Fitness Facility

Medical Fitness Association

Access to the Wellness Institute App is included with your membership.

When you join, you will receive one email with an invitation to set up the app. Look for an email from with a link to set up your account. Links to download the app for iPhone or Android will appear after you choose your password. After your initial login, the app will not require you to re-enter your password. 

Not sure where your invite is? Request it be resent:

For forgotten passwords, hit the ‘recover password’ button on the login screen or use the button below:
