This Hatha Yoga class will focus on the fundamentals and breathwork. Stored tension can be released through working with the physical body, and space is created. There is a balance between effort and surrender. Through working with the breath, the fluctuations of the mind can be stilled, allowing the body and mind to align. Practiced more slowly with static postures, each pose will be supported by providing different options

Sign up online before each class, by phone or in person less than 24 hours before.

No classes on statutory holidays.

Yoga at Wellness

We’ll guide you through foundational postures (asanas) designed to enhance your flexibility, build strength, and improve balance. Breathe deeply and connect with your inner self as we synchronize movement with breath (pranayama) for a truly holistic experience. Modifications are offered throughout the class, allowing you to tailor the practice to your own abilities and comfort level.